In anticipation of my first 1:1 ipad year in the high school English classroom (and pre-ipad pickup), I've started assembling useful apps that may be helpful for my 9th grade English classes. I'll track their implementation and record their use in the classroom in the coming weeks. I hope that this blog will be as much a means to reach out to fellow teachers going through the same process as it will be a personal diary of my challenges and successes in implementing a 1:1 program in the HS English classroom.
I should note that I've relied heavily on Google Apps (Drive, Docs, Forms) within the context of Haiku for the last two years. I don't want to replace this resource for managing my classroom, but everything that goes towards and emerges from Haiku should be ipad (and not paper/whiteboard) mediated.
My Goal: I'd like to keep the routines of my class the same as they were pre-ipad, but I'd also like to streamline many of these activities through the ipad. Thus, the writing process (journal writing, brainstorming, drafting, editing, revision) as well as the learning process (reading, seminar discussion, visual maps) should move through parallel ed-tech processes. Assessments, too! Also, I'd like to streamline grammar and vocab. instruction through ipad apps.
App Trials (see sites below):
For the writing process, I'd like to "trial run" the following: journal app, an annotation app, a grading app
For classroom learning: Idea Sketch apps, Screencasts,
For Assessment: Grading app, and Formative Assessment via Socrative.
What am I missing? looks perfect for differentiated vocabulary instruction, though I don't think it's ipad compatible. Grammar instruction? Haven't found anything yet. I also have students self-assess at the year's end with a portfolio, though I'd like that to be digital, too--any ideas for a good e-portfolio app?
I've included my findings below and attempt to download and play with these apps over the next few weeks.
Fellow teachers, if you have any experience embarking on a 1:1 ipad high school English program, please recommend all digital resources (apps, blogs, forums) that you've found useful!
English Education
-Literary Analysis Guide
-Classroom Journal
-Romeo and Juliet-Shakespeare in Bits
-Idea Sketch App (brainstorming, mind maps, visual outlining)
-Mind Mapping
-I Annotate (document annotations)
-Essay Annotations/Tagger
-Essay Grader
General Education
-Formative Assessment
Teacher Blogs